Montag, 13. Juli 2009

MoZ - Brüno meets Ron Paul

I couldn't wait for this day to come. Since I watched ''Ali G.'' many years ago, I have regularly following Sacha Baron Cohen's appearances on TV. Three years ago it was ''Borat'' that on the one hand offended but on the other hand made people laugh so badly and finally since, last Thursday, ''Brüno'' is in the movies. After about 3/4 th of the film Ron Paul was in the center of the action...Ron Paul? YES, ''our'' Ron Paul. Ron Paul, the Republican Congressman. Brüno who pretends to be an Austrian fashion journalist asked Ron Paul for an interview on Austrian economy. Believing this, Paul agreed and met Brüno. Being in Brüno's hotelroom the ''interview'' started. And as you can all guess, it was not the kind of interview Ron Paul expected. I will briefly describe what happened because the movie was unfortunately removed from youtube :(
Brüno offered Paul something to drink and eat...then ''worked out'' a bit his butt facing Paul's direction....then he took off his pants and stood in front of Ron Paul trying to seduce him... Paul freaked out and left the room shouting that Brüno was gay...
Brüno's intention was to confront an anti-gay politician with his pretended homosexuality. Brüno reached his said before, Ron Paul freaked out! Mission accomplished! ;)

My question to you folks is: Was the way Cohen critizised Paul OK or did he go too far?
I think that the way Cohen did it was OK, OK and again OK!

Watch Paul's comment on his very short appearance on ''Brüno''

Have a good day,

Montag, 6. Juli 2009

Response to Trippi's ''Afterword''

Hey readers,
well, honestly I was not very surprised when I read Trippi's ''Afterword'' because I actually noticed the change and the snowballing importance of the internet. The older I got the more the internet was around me. One could have not not realized the changes.
Trippi...I admire him...he did so much for Dean. He pretty much lived for the campaign. The unfortunate thing is that the entire internet and blogging thing started to develop when Trippi was involved in the Dean campaign. If Trippi had had more possibilities in terms of new media tools he and especially Dean could have made it further. Right, there were things like DeanTV, a pre-youtube format, and it in fact did reach a, for 2004, broad audience due to Trippi's brilliancy. But there were still not that many internet users which Trippi would have needed.
I am of the opinion that if Trippi had decided to run the 2008 elections he would have succeeded. The mix of his genius and the large number of new media tools would have enabled him to really hit it big!


Montag, 29. Juni 2009

Moment of Zen - Mrs. Makeyeva's absence

Tuesday, July 23rd, 8.25...I was present! 5 minutes later we were joking about that Mrs. Makeyeva wouldn't come...10 minutes later we were seriously wondering...was the train late again? 15 minutes later....we all decided to, that's what I call working coherence ;)
I could have slept in! I really needed this extra hour of sleep;) but don't worry Mrs. Makeyeva, it could have happened to anyone of often have students been late...uncountable times!

Again, don't worry :)


Minute on the US Voting System

Good afternoon, readers!

Yeeeeah, it's America's birthday again this week...1776 - 2009. Wow, 233 years of ''liberty and justice for all''. Indeed, liberty and justice are foundation plliars of democrazy! But how come America dares to speak of democrazy if they do not even have a voting system that is entirely democratic??? My point simply is the following: The candidate with the majority of votes does not necessarily become the US President. This is due to the electors or electoral college. I do not have to go further into detail because you all know what I am talking about since we dealt with this topic in class. In 2004 G.W.B. did not get the majority of votes but still became President. This anew brought up the question whether America has an entirely democratic voting system or not because according to the definition and Greek heritage of the word ''democrazy'' it's the PEOPLE who decide about the president! Ain't it more ''demo - CRAZY'' ???

Well, let me know what you think about it?
Don't hesitate to leave a comment.


Montag, 22. Juni 2009

Moment of Zen - McCain on Obama

Surfing through the internet I found an interesting article...well, the content was not really interersting but the headline caught my attention: ''McCain compliments Obama on his administration of the first 5 months''. McCain says that Obama did a good job in terms of legislative initiatives. Since he used to be his opponent he, of course, not only said good stuff about him and his policy. Thus he critiques his Guantanamo policy. But nevertheless, when reading this article I was wondering WHY McCain openly spoke positively about Obama. I did not really get it. What did McCain try to intent with that? Was it meant honestly or did he like the majority of politicians just say it in order to gain positive PR - just to put himself back in the focus of the press? The question I asked myself is if high ranked politicians CAN be truthful at all or do they just think about themselves and their career when making positive statements about their political opponents...? Do they really think about the people's good anymore or are they so power - obsessed that they totally forgot about WHY they once decided to become politicians...the will and desire to improve things..well, at least that should be the reason for becoming a politician...
Think about it guys and post your opinion.



Importance of social networks

Hey guys,

this blog entry will be about the importance of social networks. In order to emphasise the significance of social networks I would like to bring up the current situation in Iran. The Irani government is prohibiting any Western news coverage because it does not want the truth about the elections to be revealed. Therefore many young Iranis are filming the demonstrations against the election result in order to have a proof for the enourmously high number of people participating and to show the riots which are also part of the demonstrations. These videos are uploaded on Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. This way the videos are spreading all over the world and other countries see what is really going on in Iran. Iran has a very young population with an age average of 25.8 years. 70 % are under 30. This is an indicator for the high usage of the internet and the mentioned social networks. These networks help a lot and may hopefully soon play a very important role for a political recommencement in Iran!

Check out this vid to get an impression of what I was just talking about:

Catch you all later,

--> in case of having already read this blog entry I am providing you with some new material that I just found on the's an article about a shocking video illustrating the resistance of the Iranians...


Montag, 15. Juni 2009

''You can see Russia from Alaska''

Hey mates,
I just got back from playing tennis and I again hurt my hurts sooo badly...anyways, I wanna share something about Sarah ''The Hockeymom'' Palin with you guys. I ellaborated a little bit on her appearance on and talked to an American citizen about her reputation in the ''land of the free and the home of the brave''. Not that I didn't already know but Palin is very very unpopular in the States. She is considered as dumb by many American citizens. They do not think that she is/was the right person for the job of the Vice President of the most powerful and only remaining super - power in the world! People actually feared the fact that she could have become President one day because John McCain, no offense, is not a spring chicken anymore. A few weeks before the elections actor Matt Damon said in an interview that ''she would have the nuclear codes''. Right, opinions of actors towards politics can be seen in various ways, but nevertheless he representatively spoke for the majority of the Americans. His opinion is reflected and confirmed in the pole - numbers. Another indicator for Miss ''You can see Russia from Alaska'' 's bad reputation is that most of the search results on youtube when searching for ''Sarah Palin'' were either parodies or comedians and showmasters making fun of her. She is actually one main reason why John McCain and the Republicans lost the elections.

Post your opinion on Sarah Palin and let me know what you think about her.

Check out the following link to see Matt Damon roasting Sarah Palin:

...nope, I'm sorry folks but I cannot give you the link for this vid because youtube is down for maintenance at the moment...actually the first time I am told :D...well, just type in ''Matt Damon Sarah Palin'' and you will find the video :)

Have a good night,